Who Should Black Men Vote For?
Every few years, we have the opportunity to elect our country’s leaders. In 2012, we showed up and voted en masse to keep Obama in office. That year, an impressive percentage of black voters participated in the election, exceeding the percentage of white voters. In 2016, we hit the snooze button and Trump won the election. If you want your vote to benefit the Black community, here is what you should look for in the candidate you choose to back in the 2020 election.
Candidate track record
Many of our current leaders don’t acknowledge the struggles faced by Black people in the United States. Conventionally, lawmakers only work to rectify the issues they and their main constituents can relate with and that explains why things have only gotten worse for minorities under the Trump administration.
This November, we need to elect leaders who will stand with us and fight for a more just America — one that offers equal opportunities for all. We need a president who openly points out crimes committed against minorities, particularly by the criminal justice system and law enforcement agencies.
One thing is certain, that leader isn’t Donald Trump. The president’s current chief advisor Miller was caught perpetrating strongly white nationalist views and stirring fear and ethnic division. To date, he hasn’t faced the expected reprecussions from the top office.
The President also got an endorsement from David Duke, an ex KKK leader, and probably one of the most racist people in the United States.
Show me your friends, and I will show you who you are. Donald Trump is not the person we can expect lasting solutions from, he has already chosen to side with the oppressors.
Someone who desires change
If something doesn’t work for you, you change it. Leadership that stands up for all Americans stands up for the Black community too. From the presidential office to local authorities, the government should readily show its zeal for justice and equality, regardless of one’s skin color. You should seek a candidates who are vocal about their desire to change the broken institutions that keep people of color locked into an uphill battle for survival.
A champion for equality
Improving the lives of Black Americans will require the erection of a new system that is different in a socially, economically, culturally, and politically. In this election, Black men and women should vote for candidates who actively stand up for minorities and speak out against all forms of inequality. Donald Trump is not that candidate. If anything, our situation has become worse, and white supremacist groups have become more vocal in recent years.
In all offices, silence regarding these crucial issues signifies incompetence and consent.
Someone Who Is Concerned With Workforce Empowerment
All citizens should have equal economic rights and opportunities in the United States. Improving the lives of individuals subsequently results in a better, healthier America. One such initiative is pushing for merit-based employment, as well as an increase in the federal minimum wage to at least $15 an hour.
In conclusion
This coming election, the Black community should vote for the candidates they believe have their best interest in mind. The idea of real change will remain a distant idea unless we actively play a role in ensuring that our policymakers are working towards a better America, one where there are equal rights and opportunities for all citizens, regardless of skin color or ethnic background.
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